Family Law Mediation and Other Family Law Matters

Eaker Law Firm | Family Law Practice Rockwall, TexasFamily law is more than just divorce and custody. The Texas Family Code addresses Common-Law Marriage (Informal Marriage), paternity, adoption, child custody, domestic violence, child support, and Child Abuse (Child Protective Services CPS) issues. David Eaker has decades of experience helping our clients navigate all these issues and are confident we can help you.

As a trained and experienced mediator for family law and CPS matters, we have really seen it all (but I’m sure a new client will come to challenge this perspective). Working with other attorneys in the role as mediator has allowed me to understand how they analyze cases and view certain situations. This is invaluable information and knowledge that helps me when working opposite these attorneys on other cases and also helps build the professional relationships that form a foundation to work well with others in this community. If you would like to use David Eaker as a mediator, have your lawyer or the court arrange for the mediator appointment. It is best that you do not contact us directly to hire as a mediator before the opposing side has agreed as it impacts our impartiality.

We have represented same-sex couples going through a divorce or partition of joint property and have the experience and background knowledge to navigate these unique situations.

Common Law or Informal Marriage remain alive and well in Texas and with the rise in couples living together without a formal marriage ceremony, the litigation of the existence of a marriage is quite common upon splitting up. We have tried these cases to verdict and even up to the appellate court and can help you as well.

David Eaker regularly represents children and parents in Child Protective Service (CPS) matters involving alleged child abuse or neglect and is a member of the Texas Association of Family Defense Attorneys.

We enjoy representing clients in Family Law Appeals and do so regularly. If you have a trial and are not comfortable with the outcome, contact us right away to review your options. Often it is a tactical advantage to have a separate appellate attorney do an appeal distinct from your trial attorney. We represent people in appeals across the State of Texas having learned that often “local lawyers” aren’t comfortable challenging the judge they appear before each day. If you have a potential appellate situation, please contact us immediately as the deadlines for such cases are very tight and strict.

Have you heard about Collaborative Law? This is a distinct process outside the traditional litigation model that may be perfect for your family law matter or just not the right fit at all. Trained but also with actual experience representing clients employing the Collaborative Law Model in divorces involving large complex property and custody issues, speak with us about your options and what is the best fit for your situation. Keep in mind that many attorneys have been trained (although certainly not most attorneys), but many have no actual experience using this model especially in smaller counties. Also beware of those attorneys who practice exclusively in a litigation or collaborative law model as they tend to have a bias and may not be able to best advise you on the appropriate model for your family.

Family law matters are often the most complex and stressful situations anyone can endure. If you are facing any sort of family law legal issue, it’s important to hire an experienced attorney you can count on. Contact us today!